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Upsides Of Increasing Your Credit Card Limit

Last Updated: 04 May, 2023

Have you been extended an invitation to increase the credit limit on your existing credit card? Is it a good idea to accept an increase in the credit limit on your card when it's offered? Increasing your credit limit can give you more purchasing power, but doing so could have unintended repercussions for your financial situation.

What is meant by the term "Credit Limit"?

The maximum amount of money that can be charged to your credit card in a single transaction is the credit card limit. The lender prolongs it, and the credit card holder is contractually obligated to consent to the extension. After reviewing each customer's credit reports and credit ratings, the card issuer determines this limit.

How do you go about raising your maximum credit limit?

  • It would help if you kept your current annual income, employment status, and any possible outstanding debts or payment obligations, such as how much you pay for housing each month, handy.
  • Consider how much of an increase in your credit limit would benefit you, and be ready with a convincing explanation for why you feel you need it.

Lists of pros associated with increasing your credit limit

  • Your credit score should improve if you raise your credit limit because doing so will reduce the percentage of your available funds being used, which will lower your credit utilization ratio. It is generally recommended by those knowledgeable in credit matters to keep your credit usage ratio at or below 30%.
  • If your credit score is higher, you will have a better chance of being approved for a credit card, auto loan, or mortgage. These three financial products are all dependent on your credit score. You will also have a better chance of getting a lower interest rate because your credit score will determine whether you will be provided the best available rate or a higher rate that has been risk-adjusted for you. You will be offered the best rate if you have a good credit score.
  • If you have a true emergency that you cannot pay for with cash, having a credit limit that is significantly higher than your typical spending quantity provides you with a resource you can utilize.
  • When you have a greater credit limit, you can earn more incentives, such as cashback, points, or miles that may be used for travel. These credit card benefits can help you cut spending in other areas by providing financial assistance for vacations, presents, clothing, and nights out on the town.

Summing It Up!

Suppose you know that you will most likely spend up to your credit limit regardless of how high it is. In that case, the increased debt burden you will carry will outweigh any benefits from improving your credit limit. It's always a pleasant surprise when you discover, via email from your credit card issuer, that you now have even more purchasing power. In that case, you should think about asking for a raise. Make sure you have an established credit history in excellent standing before you move forward.

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